One must be familiar with the language of the song for which the choreography of abhinaya is done, at least to the extent that the different shades of meaning and the possible interpretations of the lyrics can be imagined. One must also be conscious of the meter (chandas) of the song and ensure that the metrical melody of the lyrics blends well with the rhythmic pattern of the tāla. For a creative elaboration of the sancāri-bhāvas (creative...
Of late in classical dance performances, the proportion of nrutta, which lacks creative interpretation and expression, is on the rise. At the same time, rasabhinaya, i.e., aesthetic communication with creative interpretation of the lyrics and the music is decreasing.
[Note: 1. Bhavas are specific emotional states (chitta-vrutti) of a person. They are present in all people in the form of raga(love), dvesha (hatred) and so on. Rasa is the...