
Ch. 4 Yoga of Unattached Karma (Part 1)


vivarisidenidāṃ pūrvadi
vivasvataṃgeṃdu Kṛṣṇanoreyal Pārthaṃ

svavapurdhṛti dharmarakṣegeṃdaṃ devaṃ

Said Kṛṣṇa to Arjuna “Long ago
To Vivasvān, this knowledge I had bestowed”.
When Arjuna wondered how it was possible,
He said his incarnations were to protect dharma.

nirmamateyināda karmamīśaprītaṃ

karmamayaṃ jagamellaṃ
dharmaṃ brahmaprabhāvameṃdaṃ Kṛṣṇaṃ

Ch. 3 Yoga of One’s Own Dharma (Part 9)

Why only Svadharma?

"One’s own karma performed diligently, even though it may not be the best thing, is better than others’ karma performed in a most satisfying manner".  What then is svadharma?

Certain qualities, powers, propensities, and enthusiasm come to some people naturally. Using such qualities, that mindset and those internal faculties for the benefit of the world is dharma.

Ch. 3 Yoga of One’s Own Dharma (Part 8)

Human nature is composed of the triad of guṇas – sattva, rajas, and tamas. It is true of the universe also. A man’s inner nature influences his outward behaviour and vice-versa. The essence of graha-atigraha mentioned in the Bṛhadāraṇyaka-upaniṣad is this mutual impulse.

tattvavit-tu mahābāho guṇa-karma-vibhāgayoḥ
guṇā guṇeṣu vartanta iti mattvā na sajjate (BG 3.28)

Ch. 3 Yoga of One’s Own Dharma (Part 7)

There is another thing to consider. Illustrious people such as Janaka, who are greater than you have all performed karma much before you.

karmaṇaiva hi saṃsiddhim āsthitā janakādayaḥ
loka-saṅgraham-evāpi saṃpaśyan kartum-arhasi ॥ BG 3.20

“Janaka and others attained fulfilment by karma only; You should also perform your duty keeping the welfare of the world in mind”.

Ch. 3 Yoga of One’s Own Dharma (Part 6)

Who are devas? Various pictures of divine beings holding a trident, staff, rope, or discus might arise in our minds. These pictures are useful elsewhere; they can assist in meditation. When we are studying philosophy, devas are the powers of creation and nature – great powers of various kinds. The relationship between humans and these superhuman deities may not be directly observable to us. But it cannot be said that they do not exist just because they are not seen. For most of us living in Bangalore, China is unseen. But does China not exist?

Ch. 3 Yoga of One’s Own Dharma (Part 4)

Thus, one who leads life in the form of tapas, yajña, and dāna, does not have to hanker after mokṣa. It is readily available. By leading a life that is dedicated to the divine, he climbs above the duality caused by lust and anger. Gradually he will realize that there is something beyond worldly enjoyment and becomes eligible to see the abode of paramātmā. Then is freedom from karmic shackles.

yastvātmaratirēva syādātmatṛptaśca mānavaḥ |

Ch. 3 Yoga of One’s Own Dharma (Part 3)

If we consider the verses between the ninth verse – “yajñārthāt...” and the sixteenth verse – “moghaṃ pārtha sa jīvati” as one single meaningful portion, the meaning might be clearer. The style of the text here is a little complex. Two or three metaphors are combined thus: Kāmadhenu (the milch-cow of desire), jīva-cakra (the cycle of jīvas), brahma-cakra (the cycle of brahma). The topics too are knotty. Food, rain, crops, yajñā, distribution of the fruit of labour — thus many ideas are intertwined here.