Similar to the unified theory of matter and energy, which modern science concerns itself with, we have a unified theory of rasa. The following is its mathematical representation:
R = (V×D)au OR R = V × an ʃ au D
(R = Rasa, V = Vakrokti, D = Dhvani, au = Aucitya, and an = Anaucitya)
[The equation is meant only as a mathematical dṛṣṭānta. It should not be interpreted literally.]
This is applicable to all visual, plastic, performing,...

नित्यौचित्यकरावलम्बरुचिरो वक्रोक्तिवर्तिस्तुतो
धन्यानां सहृदां हृदि प्रतिपदं काव्यार्थमात्मोपमं
वाणीप्राणसमीरणो विजयते विद्याप्रदीपः कवेः॥
Indian Aesthetics, mostly codified in Sanskrit, is a fine representative of original thoughts on Art Experience. Every province of India, through the brilliant brains of its soil, has contributed to this field. It is a misrepresentation, to say the least,...