Rāmāyaṇa- Bāla-kāṇḍa - Part 2 - Vālmikī writes the Rāmāyaṇa and Rāma listens to its narration
Pleased upon hearing the story of Rāma, the sage Vālmikī eulogised Nārada, bid him farewell, and proceeded to the banks of the river Tamasā. Pointing at the clear waters of the river, the sage told his student Bharadvāja – “Look at the divine river! The water is pure and delightful just like a noble man’s heart!” Before taking a dip in the river, the sage walked around the woods and spotted a krauñca couple that sweetly sang in a duet. Even as the Vālmikī watched the couple, a hunter with an evil mind, shot an arrow at the male, which fell to the ground drenched in blood.